

* Please contact NTEU Chapter 67 at 801-620-6511 with any questions you may have.


Furlough Statement from Chapter 67

"Both locally, here in Chapter-67 (Ogden Campus) and at the national level, we will continue to lobby and educate Congress on the ridiculousness of this sequester and these proposed unpaid furlough days." - Jenny Brown Chapter 67 President

For the full statement from Chapter 67 Click here

For the Question and Answersfrom National NTEU Click here

To Join NTEU and stand up for Federal Employees Click here, fill out the form and bring it into our office or contact us for delivery options


UPDATE: NTEU Chapter 67's Q&A about the Sequester and the Continuing Resolution

Some ways the Sequester is already effecting the public:

  • We have seen long wait times at airports and land border crossings—reaching as much as five hours.
  • Taxpayers have experienced difficulties in getting the help they need from the Internal Revenue Service to meet their obligations.

As days continue to pass by without some level of resolution in Congress, agency missions and the critical services they provide will continue to falter.

Below are some frequently asked questions about the sequester and the Continuing Resolution:


What impacts are our nation’s fiscal challenges having on federal employees?
Clearly, the impacts are serious. First, many federal agencies have faced static, or even declining budgets in recent years. That alone makes it very difficult for employees to deliver effectively and efficiently on their agency’s missions even without the impact of sequestration.

Then, of course, there is the pay freeze, which has been extended for a third year, to the end of 2013. Then there are continuing attacks on federal retirement, with proposals to boost pension contributions with no increase in annuity.

That effectively is a cut in take-home pay. Finally, there is sequestration, and the reality or at least the likelihood of unpaid furlough days through this fiscal year, which ends on September 30. Some employees face as many as 22 furlough days.

What, exactly, is sequestration?
Simply put, sequestration is a set of automatic, across-the-board cuts in federal spending. It was originally scheduled to go into effect at the end of 2012, but was delayed until March 1, 2013, by the fiscal cliff agreement, when it took effect.  (The fiscal cliff agreement, reached at the last minute, on Jan. 2, 2013, raised some taxes and pushed back sequestration for two months to March 1.)

For the balance of fiscal 2013—or until legislation is passed to end it—sequestration calls for automatically-imposed deep cuts totaling $85 billion in each agency’s budgetary resources. Because these cuts are across-the-board, there is very limited agency discretion in where to cut.

What’s more, and unless it is ended, sequestration is scheduled to continue cutting federal budgets for another nine years beyond fiscal 2013. The cuts under sequestration, shared equally between defense and non-defense spending—but excluding Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security—will have to total $102 billion in each of those years. 

What is NTEU doing to ensure that federal employees can continue to do their jobs?
NTEU is working hard to end sequestration as promptly as possible. As part of that effort, NTEU is supporting the fiscal 2014 budget proposal contained in the budget resolution put forward by Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), chair of the Senate Budget Committee. On March 23, the Senate passed the Murray budget, which would end sequestration and substitute a combination of revenue increases and spending cuts to reduce the deficit. The Senate’s budget resolution contains none of the anti-federal employee provisions of the House fiscal 2014 budget, advanced by Rep. Paul Ryan, (R-Wis.) and passed by the House on March 21. The House and Senate will now attempt to reconcile the differences between the two measures. NTEU is continually monitoring this process and is regularly educating members of Congress of the views and concerns of federal employees.

NTEU is in negotiations with agencies where furlough notices either have been issued or are expected. Our goal is to prevent furlough days, in part by urging agencies to make other cuts—such as examining government contracts—before taking personnel actions; and, where furloughs do occur, to mitigate the impacts as much as possible. These talks are ongoing.

What is the fiscal 2013 continuing resolution?
This is congressional action, taken during the third week in March, ensuring there will not be a government shutdown between now and the September 30 end of the 2013 fiscal year. Congress enacted, and President Obama signed into law, a continuing resolution funding agencies through September 30, which, while it averted a government shutdown, did not end sequestration.

The fiscal 2013 continuing resolution set agency resources in most instances at fiscal 2012 levels—but then the additional cuts required under sequestration kicked in, reducing available funding.

For more information about the Sequester and the Continuing Resolution please go to



Urgent Action Required!

The IRS informed NTEU that it was suspending payment of all awards as a result of the sequester last week. NTEU immediately notified the IRS that we are invoking our right to bargain over any suspension of bargaining unit performance awards programs. NTEU fought hard for these awards programs. They are an important part of compensation at the IRS and it is unfair to suspend these awards when employees have worked hard to earn them.

Please provide national NTEU with your home e-mail address by clicking here to receive information on this issue outlining what you can do to help, and regular updates on the awards situation. You may do this now on your government computer, in accordance with the agency's policy on limited personal use of the internet.

If you're not sure if NTEU has your home e-mail address, please provide it now.


Sequestration Q&A

The times and dates of the Q&A's are listed below:

-Wednesday March 13

  • Main Cafeteria 11am-1230pm

-Thursday March 14 

  • Junction City Cafe 11am-1230pm
  • ARKA 11am-1230pm
  • Main Cafeteria 6pm-730pm
  • ARKA 630pm-730pm
  • Twin Rivers Building 8pm-930pm



Please join us, we would like to address any and all questions concerning the Sequestration and Continuing Resolution.



Jenny Brown, Chapter 67 President, speaks on behalf of IRS employees in Washington D.C.

"We employees are being told to do more with less. And they are doing that and they are happy to do that. But to hit them again would really make things almost unbearable for them,"- Jenny Brown, NTEU Chapter 67

Please follow the link to read the full story

Full Story


NTEU Sequestration Survey Results

NTEU recently took a survey about the Sequestration and the Impact it would have on Federal Employees across the Nation. Click here to see the

 Sequestration Survey Results


How Would Sequestration and Further Budget Cuts Affect You?

Help NTEU Tell Your Story!

NTEU wants to educate the media and taxpayers about the impact of the sequester and other looming budget cuts on federal employees and the public they serve. To help NTEU promote the federal employee perspective during this critical time, please take our brief survey no later than Wednesday, Feb. 20. The survey will also help NTEU communicate the effects of the current two-year pay freeze on federal employees and their families, as well the possible consequences from a furlough.


Click the image to take the Survey and have your story heard



Alert! Internal and External Job Openings (Article 13)

In the recent National Mid-Term Negotiations, NTEU was able to strengthen the
requirement for “first consideration” and allow employees to receive more information
upon request. When management announces jobs internally and externally at the same
time Article 13 Section 1B states, “The employer has determined that it will provide first
consideration to IRS employees for its bargaining unit vacancies by considering the Best
Qualified (BQ) candidates at all grades for which a position is announced.”
If you apply for these positions and you make the BQ list, but are not selected, and
management selects from the external announcement you have the right to request
information specific to the qualifications that management used in making their selection.
The information is ONLY available by request. The information will include:
  • Reasons for non-selection from the BQ list
  • Methods to improve chances for future vacancies
  • Qualifications used to select the external applicant
Article 13 Section 7 G2
“If the Employer elects to select a candidate from outside the IRS, the counseling will
include reasons for the selection (e.g., the candidate displayed superior communication
skills in the interview, the candidate possessed more job-related skills) and suggestions
on how the employee may be better prepared for similar opportunities in the Future.”


NTEU is in agreement with a proposal to move the Data Team 203 from their current location. The benefits of this move will be twofold.

  • Business Reason: This will align the permanent employees together
  • Employee Satisfaction: The employees WILL NOT have to share desks when the seasonal employees return to work

The employees will receive 1 hour of Administrative time to move and if they need more time they will address this individually with their manager. They will move one row at a time so as to minimize the disruption to the area. The move will take place approximately, during the last week of January. If you have any questions please contact the Union office (801) 620-6511


NTEU Chapter 67 *Official Statement regarding the indictment of past treasurer*

NTEU Chapter 67 E-board sent out a statement to all members about the recent article in the Standard Examiner. The Official statement is also linked below for your convenience:



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